But, by the action of my reasoning, I became panic with reference to my past experience of encountering a deep abyss of death. I stopped in my position and feared to make further progress. I was stagnated with fear and stood without movement.
But, something, deep inside my intellect spoke out motivating, “Don’t fear! The same hand might help you in future, as you encounter the deep hole of death!” This small faith moved me forward again in the new direction. My movement was slow now, because, “fear of depth” was having upper hand over “faith on hand.” After sometime, the assisting hand touched me again to apprise me about the steep depth of death. Again, I turned my direction, but with boosted faith and I started to walk without retardation, because, now the “faith on hand” took upper hand over the “fear of depth.” I continued my movement forward using the series of unknown guidance.
After thousands of similar experiences on the way, a superior enlightenment arose in my mind, which edified my intellect with new wisdom. The new knowledge allowed my intelligence to understand that the path I was traversing was “raising path of life.” Every time, when I was about to face life troubles, the guiding hand which helped me was the stimulus from the God. With faith on the hand, I raised up. But, at my current position of top intelligence, I was even able to observe other men life-paths with newer clarity. It exposed, “How people with finite intelligence are getting stagnated in their position, “with fear” about future and “without faith” in the guiding hand or God’s saving touch!”
This story has expressed truth about life: With faith we get accelerated, with fear we get retarded.
QUOTE: "What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now." - Buddha