Thursday, March 26, 2009


Eye floaters are specific physico-psychological problem, caused by the occurrence of slender, cell-like images in our vision. They are usually dead tissues floating in vitreous humor of eye ball. The vision being our important ingredient for our world interaction, the repeated occurrence of floaters hampers the eye’s efficiency. The frequent appearance of floaters and lack of proper medical treatments for eye floaters, make people psychologically and physiologically sick and lead a life which will be filled with tragedy and isolation. To find a solution to such problem, below is a story which inspires with following knowledge: “How mind can be propelled for the psychological treatment of eye-floaters.”

Born from an opulent family, he hasn’t lagged from anything in his life. But, after recurrent stomach ache, he was diagnosed for intestinal cancer at the age of middle forties. But, he had a deep desire for life, so, he tried every sphere to get back his health. But, he wasn’t able to find any improvement. Vexed about his failure, he moved to Buddhist monasteries in high mountains of Himalayas for final experimentation. Shivering with pain and expecting guidance, he spoke thus to a Buddhist monk, who was performing penance, “My life should not end short. I reached you to find solution to my problem. I want long life. Help me! I am eager to live long.” The monk emphatic about his condition, replied, “Son, your problem is simple and I have provided treatment to such sickness many times to my disciples.” Thus saying, he plucked leaves from specific vegetation and purified it by his prayers. The monk replied, “Eat them and I promise you, your health will reach its normalcy. Have a complete faith on it.” The man followed the recommendations strictly.

After some days, his doctors were astonished to find improvements in his health patterns. The doctors decided to understand the science behind the treatment. Reaching the abode of monk, the doctors expressed their appreciation for the treatment and enquired about the process of treatment. The monks laughed and replied, “His desire was deep and I actuated his desire by faith. And, that is the secret for his health.”

The Buddhist scriptures insist “mind to body” action rather than present medical world insist “body to mind” action. Thus, when desire is deep and intense it promote mind to control our body in right direction.

Disclosure: The content is sponsored by "EYE FLOATERS" website

Monday, March 16, 2009


If we do what others are doing, we are just sighted,

If we do what others rarely do, we are praised, and

If we do what others couldn’t do, we are acclaimed.


Thinking of our past negativities is sometimes analogous to consuming liquor. Attraction towards liquor is due to uncontrolled senses, similarly, thinking about past negativities are due to uncontrolled thoughts.


Troubles are trainers; they train our mind to face future troubles, just like physical exercises train our physical muscles.


Karma Yoga of Bhagavat Gita: “Don’t focus on results of an action, focus with dedication only on action.”


Pain, Pain, Pain – words are painful to read,

Joy, Joy, Joy – words are joyful to read. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009


History identifies human who have turned the stone, which have been left unturned. So, let us take time to look at a personality, who changed the life of his people, although his society or environment or literature insist different behaviour.

Our imagniation has to shift to 273 BC to 232 BC, during the reign of Ashoka, the Great. Unlike contemporary rulers of his land, he is not acclaimed for his achievement in land acquisition, but, for his acquisition of hearts of his fellowmen. His philosophy or attitude or character had left a mark in the heart of his men during his time, to resonate his ideals along the time dimension. Samrat Ashoka, the emporer of Mauryan dynastry, started ruling like his contemporary rulers and had a bloodthirst objective of conquering lands. But, after famous Kalinga war, which led to vast destruction of human life, he shifted towards adoption of buddhism, where blood shed or desire for earthly pleasure is regarded as sin.

As a follower of Bhuddism, his objective changed completely and he utilised his authority for the welfare of his country. Ashoka’s totally new and inspiring ideal of kingship was found in one of his edict, which dictates his nature or attitude towards his fellowmen: “All men are my children”, “whatever exertion I make, I strive only to discharge the debt that I owe to all living creatures.”
Under his leadership, the Mauryan administration grown from country-centered nature to people-centered nature. He initiated numerous welfare measures for humans and beast. He promoted laws which uplift social and economic security. He propogated Bhuddism religion, not as a medium of self-expression, but for universal welfare. He discouraged social ceremonies, since, it entertained social rivalry. He destoryed Varna divison system of caste and implemented laws for abolishing superstitious beliefs.

Rightly, mighty Ashoka can be called as an Ideal Leader, whose ideals are to be inculcated in our life. “Many humans born and die, but, he who lives for others, never dies,” so explains the life of Ashoka.

Monday, March 9, 2009


When I was studying Psychology for my civil services examination (CSE) preparation, I came across some self-developmental wisdom which stroked my intellect to reflect a superior understanding.

Classical conditioning:
Ivan Pavlov, a Nobel-Prize laureate, conducted a famous experiment to manifest to the scientific world the conditioning behaviour in animals. He used his pet dog for his experiment. Every day, the specimen dog was kept hungry and after some time, it was fed with its favourite dish followed by a bell sound. For first few days, the dog didn’t show any observable response during bell sound, but, it showed its usual instinct of salivating on exposure to food stimulus. But, when the above process was repeated, the dog got conditioned to believe about “the bell followed by food” phenomenon and hence started to salivate at the very instance of hearing the bell sound. Thus, the dog got falsified and responded differently due to its conditioning.

Modern or Media conditioning:
In human cultures, similar conditioning behaviours are observable. Media like television, newspapers, cinema, magazines, periodicals, etc., promote such conditioning behaviours in human society. They hypnotize people with “false” teachings by taking advantage of human emotions and weaknesses. Most media portray attainment of pleasure or material wealth should be the ultimate goal in life, mesmerise people by stimulating false motivation, create hallucinating instances, etc. Such, exposure make people to get conditioned to “wrong way of life” mirrored as “true way of life.”

For eliminating such conditioning behaviours, our discerning wisdom should be invoked for our guidance. Spiritual and intellectual works can be used to destroy the habits formed by media conditioning. Moving towards media as an education guide rather than as an entertainment guide can be a better solution to such energy eaters. At last, we can boastfully say, “We are superior and intelligent creatures in earth; we aren’t endowed to get conditioned like animals. We are to conquer the world, not to be conquered.”

Friday, March 6, 2009


In Indian society, people are divided on the basis of caste. A caste of person is decided based on the family in which he is born. With ignorance rooting in the minds of the men, caste division is sprouting in every spheres of life. People belonging to lower caste, aren’t provided with privilege of basic amenities, similar, to those enjoyed by the people of higher caste. Though, such disparities are not visible in cities and towns, in villages such differences are still observed. More severe are the cases involving inter-caste dispute, usually, inflicting pain on minority lower caste by the majority higher caste.

To observe the formation of caste system, we need to have a glimpse on the Aryan Civilization or Early Vedic Civilization, which started around 1500 – 500 BC.

Early Vedic life was organized in the form of a clan or vis. A clan includes group of members including men, women and children. Members of the clan will be associated through closer or broader relationships. Assembly or sabha is the committee which includes all the members of the clan. The assembly elects a chief or raja who is responsible for the well beings of the clan. The chief’s activities are monitored by the Assembly members. The main occupation of the early Vedic civilization was cattle rearing, which, includes rearing of sheep, goat, cow, etc. Cattle were considered as important resource and exchange of goods were done by exchange of cattle. Agriculture was in its infancy stage and shifting agriculture was practiced. Every clan had an army, headed by the chief. Usually, the army includes members of the clan. The armies, along with chief, frequently attack neighbour clans to acquire more cattle and other resources. The resources gained by such fight or attack will be equally shared by all the members of the clan.

Another group of members of the clan form the priest community or purohits. The perform sacrifices or prayers for the well being of the clan. Special sacrifices were performed to invoke divine blessing for the success in war. The form of living or politics was egalitarian, that is, every member was considered equal in status.

As the years followed, Iron was introduced into the Aryan society and this helped in sedentary agriculture method. Now, fertile lands were considered as important resource for living. More attacks were performed by chief and this improved his prestige or position. The priest performing sacrifices became pivotal for success in warfare. This practice added value to the priest category. The other clan members who were performed agriculture, pottery, carpentry, cattle rearing, etc., attained status based on their success in living. Those, who were successful became higher category, while, those who failed, became lower category. Thus, Varna system of categorizing people came into existence. The purohits or priest form Brahmana category, the chief or army members formed the Kshatriya category, the successful members in agriculture (they are also traders) became Vaisya category, and the failed members in society living as carpenters, farmers, etc., became Shudra category.

This analysis shows that division of caste is time imposed or situation based. Intellectually analyzing will show that we are fruit from same tree. People, who enjoy taste of sweet fruit remark, “The nature of the single fruit from a tree is sufficient to judge the quality of all the fruit from the tree.”

We should imbibe in life with motto of “No Caste, and no division in people.”

Monday, March 2, 2009


Humans are powered with fuel, with which, 

He is capable of flowering smiles on others face, when he expresses love selflessly,

He is capable to lift others, when he uses his wisdom selflessly,

He is capable of becoming immortal, when he dies for universal cause selflessly, and

He is capable of becoming rich, when he shares his resources selflessly.


In the definitions of our life, we tend to consider only our “active” days, discarding our dormant, “idle” days.


A modern “Information Age” philosopher might say:

“Give me an individual’s personal computer; I will forecast how his future will be!”