A father was worrying about his son, who was adulterated with negativities in the world. The father felt his spiritual guru might renovate his son’s life with worldly wisdom. He expressed his pain to his guru and sought solution to his problem.
Next day, the father without expressing the reason for visit, took his son to the abode of his guru. The guru in presence of the son placed a cup full of sweet honey and added a drop of deadly poison. The guru requested his students to bring 10 or 20 ants. The ants got attracted by the sweet aroma of honey and started to move towards the cup. When the first ant had a sip of the honey, by the action of poison it died instantaneously. But, the other ants continued to march towards the honey and get destroyed, even after observing the death of others.
On seeing this, the guru asked the son about his inference from the ant’s actions. The son replied, “Dear Guruji, How foolish the ants are! Even when the ants observe the death of their kith and kin through the poisonous juice, they continue to consume it and find their death-end, Brainless creatures!”
The Guru with kindness in his expression said, “My son, in human society too, we can observe such instances like those we observe in the ants, just directed by senses. Humans are endowed with capability to divert their life consciously for their betterment. But, other creatures aren’t gifted with such capability. Understanding this difference will make our life different. I think you won’t be like the “Brainless Creatures,” because you are my son.”
This experience left deep subliminal changes in the son’s attitude and perception. Great constructions have great foundations. Similarly, our actions have their foundation in our sub-conscious mind. With technology growing before us, achieving holistic betterment in life will be simple and will cost less. Just listen to motivating speeches from subliminal tapes which unconsciously restore our sub-conscious foundations towards right direction. Gift your friend mixed with bad habits with subliminal CD to observe beautiful changes in his life and in your relationship.
Do you face continuous stimulus from wrong habits, plug your ear with IPods loaded with subliminal MP3 to choose your own response. If we want to see change, be the change. Subliminal tools will foster changes in our life.
QUOTE: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. - Buddha
Inspiring. Thanks!
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