Saturday, August 2, 2008


A boat sailing along the stream will be only used as a “ferry or transport boat” but a boat sailing against the stream will be used as a “rescue or life boat.” Normal men are suited for making average living, super men only make superior living.

Value of our past = zero. Value of our future = zero. Value of our present = Billion dollars.
What happens on intrusion of past or future actions into our present living:
Value of our present with past thoughts: value of present * value of past = billion * 0 = 0.
Value of our present with future thoughts: value of present * value of future = Billion * 0 =0.
Brooding or craving for past or future actions at the present will nullify the value of present – This is the philosophy behind concentration.

Human mind is analogous to an electrical motor: “With THOUGHTS as input ELECTRICAL ENERGY, we have ACTIONS as an output MECHANICAL POWER.” Conversely, RIGHT ACTIONS in our life will bring us RIGHT THOUGHTS, similar to the principle of generator.

As a child, we enjoyed even simple transition from pencil to ink pen writing during our school days. As adults with matured mind, when we can inculcate such childish attitude in every simple undertaking, then, our life will become an infinite enjoyable experience.

Successful people have one thing common: “They think bigger before they do bigger.”

QUOTE: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a
miracle. The other is as if everything is." - Albert Einstein

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