God got vexed about the attitude by which humans have got civilized. To edify and stir up human’s intellect, the infinite intelligence (god) incarnated on earth and planned to gift each family with a magical chest. The god exclaimed, “Oh humans! This magical box has the peculiar property to double material riches every month. But, with one condition, you can draw and invest only once to solve your life troubles.”
People got pleased in experiencing God’s resourceful blessings. With leaving sufficient resources needed for living, they invested rest of the resources in the magical chest.
Number of months crossed without single withdrawal from deposit. Because, the families had the motive of increased riches and they allowed incrimination of the account indefinitely for higher outcomes.
In the period of probation of the magical box, they tried to solve day to day problems without monetary factors. They contemplated “relationship and unity factor” as a solving guide to life-problems in the place of money. With new realisation, people experienced much peaceful life than what they had with money. Society reformed with harmony getting established and became renewed as an intellectual relationship centre.
With relationship as primary importance, material riches became secondary.
QUOTE: "If a man does only what is required of him, he is a slave. If a man does more than is required of him, he is a free man." - Chinese Proverb
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