On the day of competition, the participants had prepared list of names of worst personalities and their immoral doings. Every participant felt, they have ascertained large number of worst personalities and confident about success. But, one man distinguished from rest and stood for his opportunity for expose his identification.
The king came near the distinguishing participant and sought for the name of worst people. The man replied, “I am the worst person came before you to show my identity. All my youth days, I spent in wicked actions. I abandoned my parents and children. Lead a selfish life without being productive to society. I enjoyed lazy sleeps thinking of using father’s hoarded riches. I destroyed public property for self-gratification. Falsehood was my daily mantra. I couldn’t identify any person worst than me!”
Moved by citizen’s enlightenment, the king replied, “What other participants have done is simple observation, but your identification needs courage, endurance, intelligence and self-discipline to analyse. Once you have identified your real nature, you become a right virtuous personality. You are the most educated. I am sure you will never follow what you have identified within you. So, you are the best identifier!”
I pointed my friend and said, “Friend, there is a dust glued on the back of your shirt!” My friend replied, “Oh Dear thanks! But, you too have the same dust sticking on your shirt’s back!” and he pointing it and tapped the dust away from my shirt.
The dust which was clearly visible in others was invisible when it was in me. Similarly, in many incidents, negativity of others will be easy visible than ours, from our vision. We experience a mental laziness many times to examine our self before introspecting others. Similarly, in positive sense too, we may be rich with certain capability, but generate useless envy when we view others posses that capability. Reason is simple: “External examining vision is simple compared to self introspecting vision.”
QUOTE: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
What you said was right prakash but when we have dust in our back it will be visible only when others point out .
dust dosent matters but every thing in a persons life is like the same way
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