Millions of question got fired towards super-computer and answers were dispatched within seconds. A question of form, “What is the spanning length between earth and another earth?” was answered within half a second, which astonished even the designers.
To harness its capability to provide solutions to life problems, myriad of men started to pose questions to obtain answers to their unanswered life difficulties. “I work hard in my life than my competitors, while they succeed I fail, why?” “I have good professional life, but poor family life?” “I am frowned by my actions, I lack good relationships?” “My nation doesn’t develop from several decades of recession, provide a solution?” “My position offers much power, but I couldn’t utilise it properly. Please! render useful answer?” and like this millions of questions were asked. But, the super computer didn’t answer even to single problem. The uproar of criticism started to flow towards the creators. After an hour, the users who posed questions for their solutions had a mail in their inbox, which was forwarded by the super-computer. The mail read as follows: “SEARCH YOUR OWN HEART WITH ALL DILIGENCE FOR OUT OF IT FLOW ISSUES OF LIFE.”
Solutions to problems are already available abundantly inside; we have the responsibility to identify it. Lord Buddha got acquainted about universal wisdom after drilling down himself through meditation for days for finding solutions to problems perplexing his mind. Our mind lends solutions freely to our problems which occur in our day to day life. One distinguishing factor is that for every solution it provides, it mixes powerful faith along with solutions.
How “our” perception indicates, so varies the world. How “our” thinking habits, so expresses situations. How “our” vision, so appear pictures. How is “our” intention, so is our action. Here, “our” indicates variation of external influence through our internal competence.
QUOTE: "Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul,
the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." - Napoleon Hill
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