A young soldier was travelling in the ship; he was heavily wounded in countering enemies at frontlines in war field. Because of, improper treatment facilities, his health got deprived and became chronically ill. Understanding emergency situation in ship and critical necessity of guidance, the soldier prayed emotionally towards perverse God and died instantaneously. After his death, his deep empathic words created equilibrium in prevailing disturbing weather and ship regained its normal composure.
The people understanding soldier’s saving words and to pay obeisance to the departed soul, moved towards the soldier’s cabin. When a man asked about the powerful words he uttered to save their life, the neighbour of the soldier replied, “You didn’t observe his emotional enthusiasm, with which he articulated that powerful phrase: Oh Lord! Save my people’s life?”
LIGHT IT TURNS: What created revolution is not selfish thinking; it is soldier’s deep rooted holistic thinking. “Save me”, “Help your faithful devotee”, “Help me” didn’t attracted saviour’s guiding limb but “Save my people!” by a man even when life was at stake attracted god’s guidance. So, it provides a natural rule in life, riches or material quantities replenish itself, when intension is overall development of society. When self-gratification is the objective, the material quantity deplete with time.
Andrew Carnegie, a multi-millionaire during early 20th century explained rule with which he conquered indomitable accomplishment, “When I thought of creating number of my employees as millionaire, in that process, I became a billionaire.”
QUOTE: "Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil." - James Allen
In the end of Sai Bajans, devotees chanting the following prayer - "Loga samastha sugino bavanthu"-
when you pray for others...God listens to you..Yet another nice post!
A good post highlighting the importance of praying for others.
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