Thursday, December 11, 2008
Planning is an important aspect of initiation of training process. An intelligent “plan” is similar to creating a short-cut path towards a destination. Designing a plan requires complete understanding of resource availability – study materials, time, personal competence, examination schedule, etc., past achievements, and ability to forecast problems. An intelligent plan will be a guide map to our destination.
After conceiving a plan, we have “action” coming into picture. It is an act of travelling through our devised roadmap. When we travel (action), constantly we have to check the map (plan) to direct our movement towards proper direction. As we move along the route, “problems” intrude our efficiency of movement. Here, for tackling problems, we require enchanting character, high endurance, sheer hard work, commitment, unquenchable interest etc.
To perform perfect travel towards IAS destination, we need to concentrate selectively on three factors. The three factors are “Personal factor”, “Family factor”, and “Professional factor.” A perfect balance of the three factors helps us to attain the prefixed goal efficiently. From my perspective:
Personal factor: my character, my thoughts, my attitude, my competence, my knowledge etc.
Family factor: my family responsibilities, my family attitude, my family background etc.
Professional factor: my professional environment, my professional objectives, my professional capabilities etc.
But, personal factor requires special focus. Through, “Personal factor” we can bring about any change in family factor and professional factor. With reference to professional and family factors, we have less control. But, personal factor is completely under our control. As we know that, it is simple to propel us than to propel others to bring about change. Hence, to bring about favourable changes outside us, we should change favourably.
We end our motivation through a powerful quote: “Between every stimulus and response, we have every freedom to decide” – Victor Frankl
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Similar to magnetic field’s influence on earth, every living organism and objects in cosmos are influenced by an infinite cosmic potential, which originates from unknown point in universe. This cosmic force has effect on every attributes of our life. It possesses infinite intelligence and its characteristics are complex to understand by human’s finite intelligence. And, humans have capability to sense its influence while an animal doesn’t. Some people personify this pervasive cosmic influence into bodily form as Jesus Christ, some as Allah, some call it as Shiva or Vishnu, or some identify it as Buddha based on their finite intelligence. Cosmic potential’s area of influence expands all over universe, even beyond the distance at which human’s high power telescope can reach.
So, one question rise in our mind: Does living creatures outside our earth have similar concept of God in their civilisation? Yes, they will be having and their understanding will vary based on their intelligence.
So, this realisation edifies our mind with perfect knowledge: “Disparities created on earth based on religion are just human imposed difference.” Many religious scriptures have confirmed cosmic potential’s presence. Hence, we should never discriminate human on religion scale even at universal dimension.
Friday, November 14, 2008
I have chosen Psychology and Public Administration as my two optional. I have selected Psychology based on my interest and Public Administration based on the availability of study materials. But, it teaches one thing with reference to IAS post – Public Administration teaches “what to do” aspect, while Psychology “how to get it done from others” aspect.
To initiate my action, I started my preparation with "Fundamentals of Psychology" from NCERT (National Council for Education, Research and Training) books. The books regarding Public Administration will be available within month of time and I will start my preparation of it side by side. The complete grasp of Psychology and Public Administration will be ending on May 2009. I intend to achieve it with efficient preparation period of 6-8 hours daily.
With guidance of my friends and relatives, even the highest peak of Indian Competitive examinations Mt. IAS seems to easily conquerable feat. These words linger in my mind as said by Tenzing Norgay, when he failed in his first attempt to conquer Mt. Everest: “As a mountain, you can’t develop. But, I am human capable of infinite development. I will develop and conquer you next time.” So, the examinations may be complex or tough, but, we human can develop any talents to deal with any complexities.
Monday, October 20, 2008

But, the wound got festered and the boy started to face severe pain on his limb. Without pain subsiding, the mother ran towards the doctor for seeking urgent treatment. The doctor diagnosed that the wound had become septic and his son’s limb has to be severed. The doctor murmured helplessly, “I tried many medicines I know but everything went futile. God only have to save your son’s life!” These words of doctor struck a thunder in the heart of the compassionate mother.
After someday, when doctor came to make normal check-up, he was astonished to see what had happened. The wound which might have destroyed the boy’s limb was recovering and he felt boy’s condition was safe. The doctor being the best in the country queried enthusiastically towards the mother, “What treatment did you give? It is surprising to observe the development!” The mother with ecstasy replied, “Doctor, you don’t know, I was crying for past five days near my son on observing his pity driven situation.” The doctor understood the reason behind his recovery: “In the darkness, the immense emotional expression of love of his son as expressed as tender tears got sprinkled on the wound and it made all the difference.”
Friday, October 10, 2008
But, deep inside me responded, “You may be filled with mediocre success in your past history, which may find yourself incapable. But, you are definitely not lagging in character, which might help you to develop the required talents for Civil Service Examination. It is better to endure great failures than to enjoy small success.”
So, dear readers my future post will be focussed on my preparation strategies for Civil Service Examination. I will also describe about the new ideas and new information from preparation process towards IAS, which will be definitely useful to you. I seek your blessing for my success in IAS examination. I am going to invest only one parameter to highest dimension for my success: MY HARD WORK.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One of my friends, living opposite to my house, from a poor family bought a second-hand cycle for just Rs. 200. He too joined our races with his new asset. I felt, “Rs. 2000 and Rs. 200 worth difference will be visible in the races.” As I expected, he couldn’t win matches as I was making. But, after some days, to my astonishment, he was winning the races even with his under-value cycle. Surprisingly, he was winning continuously as I done before. I couldn’t understand the possibilities behind his success.
Filled with confusion, one day after completing race, I went to his house to know the secret behind his success. As I went inside, I was surprised to see, he was performing every small maintenance works for his cycle like removing dirt, oiling the spare parts etc. after he returned from ground.
Maintenance with hardware is openly visible from the above story and even from our experiences. This applies even to our emotional-ware. Achieving success “once” is simple, but, “maintaining” achievement is not simple. For this, we require physical, emotional, and mental renovations. Recreation is as important as working. Through recreation, we perform maintenance to our mind. We end with a simple belief, “Small men enjoy in single success, but, super men enjoy in maintaining success.”
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Class rooms are the foundry where students are moulded by the mixture of love from a teacher. Teachers are figured equivalent to parents in the sacred Indian epic, Mahabharata. Rabindranath Tagore portrays with reference to ancient Vedas, the objective of a teacher, “A teacher has an ultimate responsibility of selfless deliverance of his accumulated knowledge resource to his students, without expectation of any material gifts.” Our thoughts are organized, purified, manipulated by our teachers. Teacher’s directions can create new direction in our life. Teaching is a noble action, which create noble men.
Identifying perfect teacher is the greatest hurdle, we encounter in our search of enlightenment. Once Swami Vivekananda said, “Give me a dedicated youth, I will revolutionize the world!” But, at present, we have number of dedicated youths, but, we couldn’t find a dedicated teacher like Swami Vivekananda to direct.
QUOTE: "A day will never be anymore than what you make of it." - Josh S. Hinds
Thursday, October 2, 2008

We become more beautiful or handsome not by our appearance but by our action backed with our intensions.
If we don’t fall, we won’t learn to rise up.
Expression of love requires expression of thousands of words, but, it just requires an expression of single unadulterated smile.
“I can’t,” makes us limited, “I can,” makes us unlimited.
Rigidity and flexibility are opposite terms, but, knowing circumstances when to be rigid and when to be flexible will make a change.
QUOTE: “The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.” - John Ruskin
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A father was worrying about his son, who was adulterated with negativities in the world. The father felt his spiritual guru might renovate his son’s life with worldly wisdom. He expressed his pain to his guru and sought solution to his problem.
Next day, the father without expressing the reason for visit, took his son to the abode of his guru. The guru in presence of the son placed a cup full of sweet honey and added a drop of deadly poison. The guru requested his students to bring 10 or 20 ants. The ants got attracted by the sweet aroma of honey and started to move towards the cup. When the first ant had a sip of the honey, by the action of poison it died instantaneously. But, the other ants continued to march towards the honey and get destroyed, even after observing the death of others.
On seeing this, the guru asked the son about his inference from the ant’s actions. The son replied, “Dear Guruji, How foolish the ants are! Even when the ants observe the death of their kith and kin through the poisonous juice, they continue to consume it and find their death-end, Brainless creatures!”
The Guru with kindness in his expression said, “My son, in human society too, we can observe such instances like those we observe in the ants, just directed by senses. Humans are endowed with capability to divert their life consciously for their betterment. But, other creatures aren’t gifted with such capability. Understanding this difference will make our life different. I think you won’t be like the “Brainless Creatures,” because you are my son.”
This experience left deep subliminal changes in the son’s attitude and perception. Great constructions have great foundations. Similarly, our actions have their foundation in our sub-conscious mind. With technology growing before us, achieving holistic betterment in life will be simple and will cost less. Just listen to motivating speeches from subliminal tapes which unconsciously restore our sub-conscious foundations towards right direction. Gift your friend mixed with bad habits with subliminal CD to observe beautiful changes in his life and in your relationship.
Do you face continuous stimulus from wrong habits, plug your ear with IPods loaded with subliminal MP3 to choose your own response. If we want to see change, be the change. Subliminal tools will foster changes in our life.
QUOTE: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. - Buddha
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
But, by the action of my reasoning, I became panic with reference to my past experience of encountering a deep abyss of death. I stopped in my position and feared to make further progress. I was stagnated with fear and stood without movement.
But, something, deep inside my intellect spoke out motivating, “Don’t fear! The same hand might help you in future, as you encounter the deep hole of death!” This small faith moved me forward again in the new direction. My movement was slow now, because, “fear of depth” was having upper hand over “faith on hand.” After sometime, the assisting hand touched me again to apprise me about the steep depth of death. Again, I turned my direction, but with boosted faith and I started to walk without retardation, because, now the “faith on hand” took upper hand over the “fear of depth.” I continued my movement forward using the series of unknown guidance.
After thousands of similar experiences on the way, a superior enlightenment arose in my mind, which edified my intellect with new wisdom. The new knowledge allowed my intelligence to understand that the path I was traversing was “raising path of life.” Every time, when I was about to face life troubles, the guiding hand which helped me was the stimulus from the God. With faith on the hand, I raised up. But, at my current position of top intelligence, I was even able to observe other men life-paths with newer clarity. It exposed, “How people with finite intelligence are getting stagnated in their position, “with fear” about future and “without faith” in the guiding hand or God’s saving touch!”
This story has expressed truth about life: With faith we get accelerated, with fear we get retarded.
QUOTE: "What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now." - Buddha
Friday, September 26, 2008
11. Living organisms are present only on earth because of the duly service of the rain. Rain which is an indispensible part of our existence can be considered analogous as ambrosia (a food eaten of Gods) to our life.
12. What a dedication from the rain! It helps us to gain food materials by aiding the growth of vegetables and fruits. Also, the same rain transforms itself into the food that we consume. Without rain, we won’t get grain.
13. Even though our earth may be enclosed by massive water sources like sea or ocean, if mother-like rain fails to show its blessing, every living organism might be troubled by drought and desertification.
14. Food is the basic need of our life. Food is produced by farmer, who is important member of our existence. If rain fails, farming fail, hence food output fail and at last, we fail.
15. Rain has ambiguous properties of destruction. By under-rendering its services, it makes lives on earth to suffer through drought and by over-rendering its services, it makes lives on earth to suffer through flood.
QUOTE: “Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts; for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in ignorance.” - William Wirt
Sunday, September 21, 2008

6. Long will live the accomplishments of the men, who praise and follow the true, righteous path of the master of five senses, the most superior God. The five senses are vision, speech, auditory, smell, and touch. Problems rooted in men’s society can found their solutions by the proper delegation of control over the slave senses.
7. People, who praise the glory of incomparable God, will only identify and understand the ways to curb the problems which mind bears. The thoughts of God implants peace, hence, he identifies his original core nature and tackles life problems independently.
8. A human, who thinks continuously about the God, who is the ocean of wisdom and virtue, will only know the ways to swim over the life-ocean efficiently and effectively. The human existence usually relates with the material life and mixes with the “ocean of trouble.” But, in relation with God, he identifies a “ferry of wisdom” to cross the life-ocean.
9. The God possesses infinite capabilities and qualities. If a human being doesn’t understand such a simple knowledge, might be considered as useless as an animal with degraded sensual organs like body, eye, ear, mouth, and nose.
10. Human soul which understands the might of omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresent God will win the births and achieve God’s abode to experience infinite happiness. But, an ignorant soul will trouble itself with repeated rebirths on earth and experience discomforts of human life. Human birth, according to Hindu scriptures is a curse and our ultimate endeavour of human life is to reach God, which prevents rebirths.
Quotes: “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.” - William James
Saturday, September 20, 2008

When the old beggar was in his final years, he looked back at his life-track which he had traversed with list of sinful activities. He indulged in number of cruel murders, sinful thefts, child trafficking, smuggling etc. which repelled his parents, wife and children away. With the results of wicked nature, he had degraded old age without any saving or guiding hand for care.
His physical, depleted health conditions made him dependent for his life sustenance. He was bearing his body through begging from the tourists. The earnings, he made were so meagre that it was just sufficient for having a single meal a day. One day, when he was having his bread of the day, a dog was passionately observing him with an expectation of food from him. It's continuous and friendly expressions made the beggar to lend a small part of his food to the dog. That was first time, in his entire lifetime; the man was helping a living organism.
Next day, the old beggar died and his soul was departing towards the abode of the God of Death for judgement. As he was moving up, his soul felt, “How ill-fated my life was! My body lies careless without relationships and is going to become a food of wild beasts.” But, as he looked back, to his astonishment, the dog which he had fed previous day was guiding his corpse along with its friend dogs from the wild beast of the forest until the forest officials might identify and do necessary burial of the death body.
Just, single sharing of food with a dog brought a maximized output after his death to the wicked beggar. How his life might have transformed, if he had followed it during his youth age itself!
“Amount of help” we invest on others can be drawn later as “friendly relationship.” What stands in the people’s men behind our death is not how sophisticated we made living but how useful we were to others.
QUOTE: "Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours." - Dale Carnegie
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

There may be hundred of books in our shelf, but, a book will find its way to our hands, only those that trains or motivates us to think and those that reflect our lives.
Every human has a magical intelligence (thoughts), through its “black magic,” he destroys his life (negative thoughts) and through its “white magic,” he develops in his life (positive thoughts).
If success is solely depended on intelligence and talents, world might not have evolved.
If we don’t what to change, even hundred of books or lectures or people can’t create a change. If we intend to change, even a single sentence will make a change. Change represents realignment of character, thoughts, etc.
Great men create great thoughts and great thoughts create great men.
QUOTE:"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." - Albert Einstein
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
1. The sound of “Aha” stands first in alphabets list in every earthly language. Similarly, God is the preceding being for every living organism. God is the infinite intelligence, superior of the superior, having no dimension to explain, and beyond understanding of human intelligence.
2. What is the use of the education which doesn’t train our mind to think of infinite intelligence, the God? Utter useless. We have to train our mind with two form of education, material education – knowledge about making living and spiritual education – knowledge about immortal living.
3. People will experience everlasting joy in their life, if they think of the presence of the tender, flowery natured God in every life activities. When we observe beautiful flowers, we earn pleasure. When we think of the God, we earn peace.
4. The man who occupies his mind with the pervasive God, the conqueror of hatred, anger, favouritism etc will never face negative experiences in his life. With God’s presence in mind, our thinking will become synchronized with God’s characteristics. Negativities will be destroyed by purified activities.
5. Men, who have understood the might of the God, will develop strength to face right and wrong without duality. It provides intellectual, emotional, physical stamina to view positivity and negativity with equal vision.
QUOTE: "Enthusiasm is the steam that drives the engine." - Napoleon Hill
Thursday, September 11, 2008
This was his new car, a father bought after days of build-up desires. It was his first drive with his five year old son in a highway line at the outskirts of the city. The child excited about the new trip said enthusiastically, “Papa! It is your gift to me and I will be careful that nothing will happen to this car.” Listening to his son’s words with smile, the father insisted, “Munna! Wear your seat belts because we traverse through highway!”
As the car approached a bridge, a villager suddenly intruded with a bicycle and dashed with the front side of the car. Because, the car was moving at low speed, the accident was not fatal. The villager with bleeding scratches in his limbs was standing before the car, with the expectation of pardon from the car owner.
Being, the sole mistake of the villager who dashed, the father rushed out to see what happened to his newly acquired car. The front headlight glass pane was broken. The father with rage accosted the villager saying, “Stupid country man! Do you know the cost of the car you have crashed? Pay me for your mistakes.” The father started to quarrel with the villager and was expecting an equivalent compensation for his losses.
The father after gaining his loss, entered his car, but, he observed his child still crying. In order to calm down his child, the father said, “No problem with your gift and we can replace the headlight within an hour, don’t cry, my child. Our car is not completely destroyed.” But, the child replied sympathetically which bombarded the core character balance of the father, “I am not crying for the broken car but for the broken man!”
QUOTE:"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." - Albert Einstein
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

World will always spread its way for us, if we take a new initiative to express our competence.
Success is not achieved through the perfection in preparation of a plan, but, through the perfection in execution of the plan.
A perfect glacial mirror provide perfect facial reflection, similarly, our perfection is character is exposed by “good” men’s evaluation.
Strong stones break not only by the physical strength of men, but, also by their mental strength.
If we think of footsteps, we have left behind, we won’t move forward.
QUOTE: "Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance." – Samuel Johnson
Saturday, September 6, 2008

He smiled on hearing my ignorant words and the answer he replied, stroke my intellectual balance and revealed a truth which we can use to simulate for our successes. His reply was, “Actually, I don’t spend number of sleepless nights in hostels but I spend number of sleepless days in classes and that’s makes every difference in my life” and he chuckled. He added, “It is this habit or behaviour, the hiding secret behind my success in academics. Doing perfectly the prescribed task at prompt time will promote us towards success, what inborn talents can’t provide.” He concluded a sentence which still lingers, “When we think of footsteps, we left behind, we won’t move forward.”
His answer reveals a natural philosophy, which can edify our intellect: “Doing an action at perfect unison with time will bring us happiness.” We congest our mind with useless thoughts during useful period. This action drifts us towards failure trench. Happening is home are taken to colleges or work places and happening in colleges or workplaces are brought to our homes and this behaviour kills our high efficiency factor.
We affirm these words to success: “What happened is happened, what is destroyed is destroyed, what is lost is lost, but, an incredible truth is that nature brings those lost happenings or destroyed plans or lost opportunities in incremental or equal fashion, when we acknowledge and accept their loss and focus on further. When we focus on footsteps, we have left behind, we won’t move forward.”
QUOTE: "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing." - Abraham Lincoln
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What magnificent a good character is? It brings what millions or billions of dollars can’t create! Peace of mind.
Self-confidence is a stamina which helps us to rise, even when whole world suppresses us or moves against us. It stays in every blood drop and triggers every tissue in our brain. Millions of failures may be faced by us; self-confidence is the propelling drive after every delayed-success.
When we get angry, move towards our wristwatch and wait for a minute, before we express our anger to others. Many times, our anger is just a misunderstanding of other’s action without analysing their intensions. One minute delay will diminish hours of broken-relationship delay.
We should be more careful or cautious in dealing with our success, because, during success, our head overtakes our heart. Success mishandled is a failure.
Manoeuvring vehicles will help us to reach our predetermined destinations.
Manoeuvring thoughts will help us to reach beyond our predetermined positions in life.
QUOTE: "The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one's destiny to
do, and then do it." - Henry Ford
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Definiteness of purpose: It is process of designing or identifying an ultimate and pointed goal in our life. The purpose or goal is intentionally accumulated in our mind by continuous thinking process. It is an important step in self-development process, because, every rule described below are based on this principle.
The master mind: It involves grouping in harmony with like-minded, talented friends and colleagues in focus with our objectives. It is through this method, talents and character spread across men are utilised for our objectives through heart-based relationship.
Attractive personality: It involves development of good character and personality which is imperative for our accomplishments. Good character includes courtesy, empathy, communication, mental attitude, sincerity, decision making, sense of humour, etc.
Applied faith: It is a habit of having complete belief in our capability and in our objectives. It is otherwise known as self-confidence which helps us to rise after every failures (or delayed success).
Going the extra mile: It helps us to attain position and recognition within men. It is a natural law involving a habit of doing more than needed. For instance, as students, it is sufficient to attain pass marks in subjects, but, when we try to achieve centum, we are gain applause and fame – this is called “Going the extra mile”.
Organized individual endeavour: It is through this rule, we know, “How an individual can make purposeful and profitable use of his right and responsibility for the exercise of personal initiative, in focus with his objective.”
Creative vision: It includes usage of creativity skill (inherent in every human) towards our definite objective. It describes techniques like active and passive creativity. Active creativity means conceiving new creations and passive creativity means combination of active creations, leading to new creations.
Self-discipline: It involves manoeuvring our positive and negative emotions in accordance with our objectives. It is a habit involving perfect control over our stimulus and response.
Organized thinking: While previously described, “Organized individual endeavour” is applicable for actions, this law applies to our thinking process. It appraises ways for making our thoughts to stay on our objectives by repetitive thinking.
Learning from defeat: In reality, a defeat is just an identifier that teaches us: “our path towards our objective is deviating or wrong and needs correction.” Failures are a sign which guides us to redesign our way towards success.
Inspiration: It is also called controlled enthusiasm. We should be enthusiastic and desire to achieve our objective. It warns us with, “over-enthusiasm is as dangerous as no enthusiasm.”
Controlled attention: It is the act of combining all the faculties of the mind and concentrating them upon the attainment of a definite purpose.
The golden rule applied: It describes a habit of doing something to others before we expect things from them. It is an investment made for everlasting relationships.
Co-operation: We should deal with ourselves through our head, while others should be dealt with our heart – a basic rule for enchanting relationships.
Budgeting of time and money: It involves proper utilisation of money and time, by avoiding unnecessary dissipation of this powerful energy. With 24 hours of time in hand, we can distribute: 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work and 8 hours for leisure or self-improvement – a best time table to succeed.
The habit of health: Health tips like consumption of proper level of food, exercise, sleep etc. acquaintances are important. It states that we should comply with complete avoidance of medical drugs, since, the food we consume acts as a drug for health problems. If a headache occurs, we try to stop it with drugs, but, the root cause of headache may be improper digestion. So, without removing cause (indigestion), we can’t remove effect (headache). There is more possibility of headaches to continue, when indigestion is not taken upon.
Cosmic habit-force: Similar to Newton’s gravitational force (how objects are attracted towards earth centre); cosmic habit force is the natural process by which habits are formed and planted in our life. Deep and continuous thinking with avoidance of unnecessary thoughts will make needed habits to get rooted in our character.
QUOTE:"The better part of happiness is to wish to be what you are." - Desiderius Erasmus
Friday, August 29, 2008
We are acclaimed or praised not for what we are capable of, but what we are doing.
Genius is the one who do complex things in a simpler way. They bear “normal physical features” yet they posses “abnormal mental features” developed through persistence, confidence, and temperance.
It is much easier to get things done from others through love than through compulsion or fear.
My personal experience: “A food served from my mother’s tender hands taste best than served from my hands.”
It is a universal truth that there is no 100% perfection in every natural existence. For instance, consider movement of earth or moon, they drift in their position slightly with years, showing non-conformance towards perfection. Even rising of sun, a small deviation in seconds or milliseconds occurs every day. But, it still remains an astonishing fact that the purity, perfection and devotion with which a mother delivers her love towards her children remains 100% perfect in time. For millions of years in past and millions for years to follow in future, this fact remains same, unbounded with time.
Possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, impossible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible, possible.
- A number of possible destroys an impossible staying between lines. So, are rules in life.
QUOTE:"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning." - Albert Einstein
Thursday, August 28, 2008

God got vexed about the attitude by which humans have got civilized. To edify and stir up human’s intellect, the infinite intelligence (god) incarnated on earth and planned to gift each family with a magical chest. The god exclaimed, “Oh humans! This magical box has the peculiar property to double material riches every month. But, with one condition, you can draw and invest only once to solve your life troubles.”
People got pleased in experiencing God’s resourceful blessings. With leaving sufficient resources needed for living, they invested rest of the resources in the magical chest.
Number of months crossed without single withdrawal from deposit. Because, the families had the motive of increased riches and they allowed incrimination of the account indefinitely for higher outcomes.
In the period of probation of the magical box, they tried to solve day to day problems without monetary factors. They contemplated “relationship and unity factor” as a solving guide to life-problems in the place of money. With new realisation, people experienced much peaceful life than what they had with money. Society reformed with harmony getting established and became renewed as an intellectual relationship centre.
With relationship as primary importance, material riches became secondary.
QUOTE: "If a man does only what is required of him, he is a slave. If a man does more than is required of him, he is a free man." - Chinese Proverb
Monday, August 25, 2008
In marketing terminologies, we have profit factor and loss factor. But, in our life terminologies, we have only profit factor. What appear with short sight as losses are actually with long vision are profits.
Many mineral resources are laden in running river water than in stagnated pond. Similarly, human living stagnated due to past failures or future planning are devoid of life resources than the human who runs in perfect unison with time.
A clean cloth is used to wipe away dirt deposited in spectacles helping in better clarity of vision. Similarly, education cleans our intellectual spectacles to have clear vision over internal life and external society.
Many people know how to earn money but they don’t know how to save money. Saved riches are earned riches. It requires intelligence and talents to earn riches but it requires character to save riches.
QUOTES: “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing that you think you cannot do.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
Sunday, August 24, 2008

This incident left a black impression about him in my mind, I thought, “How ill his activities are! He is destroying his beautiful life from ugly enjoyment habits.” Whenever I encountered him in the hostel or college, the incident stagnated in my memory flashed in my mind. As days passed, I started to visualise him as one of the worst personality, I have ever come across.
One day, he and I were waiting to make a call in hostel common phone booth. It was an urgent call, I needed to contact with my parents. Because, he came first, he was waiting to get his chance. As I had a negative picture about him, I didn’t express my urgent requirement.
But, he was empathetic to understand my need and allowed me to utilise his chance. Now, unconsciously, the negative picture which was engraved in my mind suddenly got dissolved and he became a friendly, kind, humane personality. After making call, I was waiting to acknowledge his sympathetic action. From the conversation he had in telephone, I came to understand that the person, he needed to converse had just left one minute before.
After, 15 minutes waiting to make a call and his failed opportunity. I tried to express my regrets over his failed chance. I said, “Because, of my call you lost your call, I am extremely sorry for what happened.” Without disgusted about failure, he just made long, friendly smile and he said, “Oh my friend, I may missed an opportunity in just making a call but I didn’t missed an opportunity to help a good friend like you!”
His answers stroke my emotion with a feeling which I haven’t experienced before: “Even without interaction, he has positive impression about me. But, I have accumulated a negative impression about him by just looking his action without observing his intensions. His habits may be wrong, but not his relationships.”
QUOTE: "Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have. " - Brian Tracy
Thursday, August 21, 2008

An opposition party news channel was telecasting a programme regarding recent climate changes. One of the highly enthusiastic party supporter yelled, “Such climatic changes, we didn’t face, when we our party was ruling!”
Joke 2:
A teacher explained, “Team work, an intelligent habit which wise men encourage, foolish men discourage.” A student rose and spoke, “That’s the reason, why invigilators in exam-hall disturb teamwork while students propagate teamwork.”
Short but strong sentences:
Power of buildings are rooted in their foundations, power of humans are rooted in their thought directions.
Number of sleepless, enthusiastic, hardworking nights before success, will destroy number of sleepless, deprived, frustrated nights after failures.
Simple men – use and think of time, super men – think and use time.
People become miniature creatures, when they are viewed from high buildings, but maximise equal in size, when they are viewed from same level. Similarly, problems in life become simple and minute when we observe them from higher level of thinking.
Cowardice becomes a positive nature, when we fear of actions that inflict pains on others.
Courage becomes negativity, when we don’t fear to earn material gains through selfish intensions.
QUOTE: “Our strength grows out of our weakness.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Next day, the child deliberately in the absence of the grandparents tasted meals and without finding any difference went to his grandfather and exclaimed, “Oh papa, I couldn’t experience any difference in taste of food which status has created.”
In earth, we can find only two different types of men:
One, who treats everyone with equal vision – breeder of God’s mind,
Two, who observes disparities between men – breeder of devil’s mind.
After few years of world formation, three sources of water river-water, sea-water and well-water started to quarrel, in order to establish their superiority. The god incarnated on earth, to defuse the tension prevailing between the sources to save lives on earth. The God’s solution left a powerful impact which made the water sources to live in equanimity till date. The god’s reply was: “To know the most superior of the three, raise your intelligence to know your life-cycle, you will identify equality in existence.”
The god’s answer enlightens a deep intellectual inference which apprises us as follows: “In earth, water may be placed in sea, river, well or even in ditch. But, as they evaporate into water vapour, they become equal in the nature without their reference to the place of presence on earth. Similarly, we humans may differ in caste, creed, status, colour, etc. on earth, but, as we die and reach higher intelligence we become devoid of earthly habitat, become equal without difference. This is the rule of life.”
QUOTE: “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” -Andre Gide
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A food shows its taste until it stays in tongue; similarly, the failure attitude deprives us until it stays in our thoughts.
Everything has its own importance:
Chapels have its importance, when we walk through severe, hot barren lands,
Umbrella may lay useless for number of days, but strikes us with importance during rainy days.
- So, are people and our relationship with them.
For a man stricken with long thirst, what matters is quantity not quality of drinking water.
Those who do after failures are those who won’t fail after successive successes.
QUOTE: “Between stimulus and response, we have every liberty to decide.” – Stephen covey
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What may appear small to a rich, may appear big to a poor. So, even small expressions of actions towards indignant souls may magnify into large emotional satisfactions in poor’s mind.
What is more valuable is not how much we give to others but with what attitude we give to others.
If we value ourselves low, we are underestimating. If we value others high, we are overestimating.
Many aspire to succeed but some finite men inspire to succeed.
The greatest miracles in life are not accomplishment of great successes but creating great successes after great failures.
My college has number of motivational quoted wall-boards in which one states: “Character is more praised than talents, because most talents are inborn, while character is development by persistence, diligence, determination, hard work etc.”
QUOTE: "The best motivation is self-motivation. The guy says, “I wish someone would come by and turn me on.” What if they don’t show up? You’ve got to have a better plan for your life." - Jim Rohn
Monday, August 11, 2008

The father returned after his work. The mother screamed, “Your beloved daughter has become so naughty, how difficult it is for me to deal with her. First, try to manage her!” The child being father’s pet, moved towards him and said, “Father, I will do whatever you command, provided you give me fifty rupees!”
Never before his child had behaved like this. Her intense action for sake of money was difficult to comprehend for this empathetic father. He thought, “My child might desire money for just enjoying ice-creams or chocolates. We can guide her, if she is diverted in wrong track!” So, Next day, the father followed the child without showing his identify, when she was moving towards the school. As the father thought, she moved towards the ice-cream parlour, but she didn’t go inside, but she approached a blind child begging for money near the parlour and placed fifty rupees on its plate. After expressing her noble action, she moved towards the school gracefully. The father who followed to teach, but was taught, by his child’s action. The father stood with pride on observing his child’s attitude and felt as if, an angel had born as daughter.
The child’s actions might be questionable but not her intensions. Great are men who live for others and die for others.
QUOTE: It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Saturday, August 9, 2008

With such sort of questions from the interviewer, we can initiate our introduction with powerful quotes like:
“Where head is devoid of fear, head stands straight” – Rabindranath Tagore,
“Courage is not absence of fears but ability to face fears”,
“Success is not winning others, its winning ourselves.”
When we express about our character, we can start with quotes like:
“Talents help me to succeed but character helps me to be successful!”
- Introducing powerful sentences in answers will illuminate right perception about us in the interviewer’s mind.
Answer: Never had a time for scarcity of professionals, but there is always a scarcity for talented professionals. With the multitudinous professionals, I am a finite talented professional capable of providing creative solutions for my prospective company.
Answer: To develop world-class talents in my field of endeavour and as a human I think to work for the fortification of the society. This desire was seeded, when I encountered a poor-beggar family near bus-stand making living all the day for begging. Their pathetic situation disturbed my intellect and I felt the money I earn should help such indignant people.
Answer: Procrastination or failure to accomplish pre-planned task was the weakness, I was afflicted till last month. But, I rectified it through my creativity skill as follows: I created an earning plan through which, whenever I accomplish my planned task, I earn 2 Rs as a financial gain. The money I gained will be expressed unrestrained fashion – For example, if I think of enjoying ice-cream, instantaneously, I can acquire it through the accumulated earning without reasoning.
HOME WORKS to be done before interview:
If you have tried number of interviews before but failed, try to use it as an advantage and showcase the reason for preceding interview failures and express the methods you adopted to rectify the problems. This exposes our character of “learning from failures.”
Before leaving the interview session to identify the outcome of the interview and to produce good humble mannerism, we could initiate a conversation as follows:
“I know I am leaving something back off me. But, I don’t know what I am leaving back! Whether, it is a positive impression or a negative impression!”
QUOTE: "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do
not dare that they are difficult." - Seneca
Friday, August 8, 2008

2. By associating with others, we relate ourselves with others. By alienating from others, we relate ourselves with our original conscience. (Alienation means meditation)
3. People can be broadly distinguished on their basis of their response “Yes or No” to the stimulus instigated by life.
4. Interdependence without independence is dependence.
5. Every seed is seeded with innate, intrinsic power by nature which helps it rise against gravity force pushing it down – so are humans pushed down by failures.
6. Never has one rose directly from bottom-most step to top-most step without crossing intermediate steps. Lower step actually helps us to rise towards higher step easily and efficiently – Failure to understand this phenomenon is the reason for most failures on earth.
7. If we know how we failed, we won’t fail.
QUOTE: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." - Buddha
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Dhirubhai Ambani, one of the greatest business man of India, who is a lateral thinker, says, “Think big and think fast. Ideas are no one’s monopoly.”

In order to commemorate my 100th post, I like to express about I came to know about it, when I was browsing for information in Wikipedia about blogging. If we are capable of working hard with good writing skills, blogging is the best tool to enhance our life in monetary terms. Understand the need of riches through a short intellectual story:
It was the first time for the people of a slum to have a close interaction with a highly revered, acclaimed spiritual guru. One of the members of the group, who came to visit the guru, asked inquisitively, “My lord! Our life is in abject poverty because of the sins we committed in our preceding births. Could you apprise us the ways to have a better life in our forthcoming births!”
Worried about the ignorance of the poor people, the guru spoke empathetically, “Oh hardworking ignorant people! There is no sin to be born with poverty but sins will accompany you only if you die with poverty!”
We can be poor but we shouldn’t stay as a poor. Payperpost is website which helps us to attain such financial independency. Our talents can be made productive by utilising this website at It is absolutely free to enrol in it. By providing our readers with useful entity, we can experience an eternal satisfaction. You may be at present financially weak, but PAYPERPOST offers every solution to everlasting succeeds in monetary terms.
With the money we earn, we can donate to society once our needs are satisfied. PAYPERPOST is the destination for those who like to post their skills for the enrichment of the world.
QUOTE: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.” - Henry David Thoreau
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