They sow seed of money, in order to reap benefit for people. If their motive was money, they would have diminished due to acid test of time. But their motive was to develop people of India, so only they exist as one of largest company for more than a century. They are empires of Tata.
Following Sir Dorabji Tata, son of Sir Jamsetji Tata, Sir Jehangir Ratanji Dababhoy Tata (shortly J.R.D. Tata) took position as a chairman of the Tata & sons, in 1938. Initially, with 14 companies under Tata group, when he started, had grown into 95 companies, when he died during 29th November 1993.
All the predecessors of J.R.D. Tata, where involved in philanthropic activities and valued human power more than money power.
J.R.D. Tata was instrumental in starting many institutions, which aided in development of India, they are:
· The Tata Memorial Centre for Cancer, Research and Treatment, Bombay, 1941
· The Tata Institute of Social Sciences, 1936 (TISS)
· The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1945 (TIFR)
· The National Centre for Performing Arts.
· The Indian Airlines (initially started as Tata Airlines)
J.R.D. Tata says, “When we want to win people, we have to win by character and kindness.” He won heart of many people through his humane character.
He always devoted time in designing path for development of India. He was the pioneer in starting “The Family Planning Programme”, before Government of India started officially, when our country was identified as over-populous nation.
He was awarded with highest Indian civilian award, “Bharat Ratna” and in that special speech, he exclaimed, “India will be super-power in forthcoming years, predicts an economist, but I want to see India as one of the happiest nation”.
J.R.D. Tata quotes, “Never start anything with diffidence, but with confidence”.
J.R.D. Tata believed in, “Common people have an appetite for food; uncommon people have an appetite for service”.
J.R.D. Tata’s initiated institution will lend its hand to help people, for years to come. Though he has physically died, but, not mentally in minds of people.
QUOTE: "Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance
like nobody is watching." - Mark Twain
hi Saravana,
I really loved your blog regarding JRD Tata. He is my Mentor n inspiration all time.
hi saravana,
Really wonderful!!!I enjoyed this blog,bit inspired also...JRD's speeches,point of view ,everything should learn the new generation enterpreneurs....Tata is One among the inspirational leader for me in my childhood onwards.. ALL THE BEST..
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