But, second ant lost its confidence and died miserably into the stream of water. Courageous ant was trying continuously with determination, until its bristles in leg created a small hole in loose clay for the ant to jump further. Thus, it saved itself.
The ant action has taught us an important rule in life, success is not drifting till destination is reached. Nature is the best teacher to teach us the way towards success. We look into certain deeds of nature which can edify us:
Sun raising morning and drifting down in evening: we haven’t seen the sun disobeying this law. If it does, nature will fail. So, in our life too, we shouldn’t slide towards procrastination. Never drift from planned action.
Formation of fruits: Number of flower is produced to give birth to one fruit. Similarly, not all the action towards our aim results success. But, if we give large number of actions without drifting, definitely any one would yield success.
Survival of fittest: Animals which have modified themselves to manage any difficulties will exist successfully in a ecosystem. Similarly, success will be found by those, who have competence to face big failure, new opportunities, new actions etc,
QUOTE: "You say I started out with practically nothing, but that isn't correct. We all start
with all there is. It's how we use it that makes things possible." - Henry Ford
1 comment:
Your view on nature is absolutely true. She nurtures,guides,loves,punishes ....what else ,because ....
we are talking about MOTHER NATURE.
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