Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva were the five Pandavas while Gauravas were hundred in number with Duruyodana as elder brother. During their younger age, Gauravas and Pandavas got their education from Dronacharya in his hermitage.
One day, Dronacharya requested Arjuna (smartest of the pandavas) and Duruyodana to identify one noble person in nearby village. After a week, Duruyodana returned stating that he was unable to identify any virtuous personality in the village. However, Arjuna returned with saying that he identified so many good men that it was difficult for him to specify.
Power of positive thinking can be asset to one, who practises it. Sub-conscious mind is the one which initiates creativity, empowers will-power, habit formation, etc. Our sub-conscious mind is so powerful than our conscious mind. Sub-conscious mind has a peculiar property of accepting, whatever we add to it, without reasoning, unlike conscious mind. So, when we make a commitment of practising positive thinking everywhere, every instance, then this becomes a habit and remains with us without our conscious effort.
QUOTE: My mother used to tell me: “As you go through life, doors will sometimes shut in your face. But don’t let that discourage you. Rather welcome it – for that is the way you are pointed to the open door, the right opening for you” - Norman Vincent Peale
wonderful.. really motivating... come up with new stories... yeah the one i read was pretty informative and nice... but for others they might have read the book of mahabharata...i wud suggest you to give some short stories from the speeches of the great Swami Vivekananda .. thanks for the kind information
Good job!
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