I queried him, the reason for such character. He replied, “You know, resources saved from dissipation is resources gained. In addition to personal gain, saved resources will be useful to poor people, by some means. This in turns aids in country’s developing!”.
His answer kindled my interest and then I asked, “How your single action alone would affect overall nation’s development?”.
My friend replied, “Dear, I will explain it with a story. A small bird which was taking refuge on a tree lost it, due to forest-fire. In order, to save the forest, the small bird was carrying small quantum of water, which its beak could carry, in order to douse the fire. On seeing this childish action, an old elephant queried, “Child, your action won’t save this forest!”. Small bird replied, “My action at least will show to the world, a possibility”. So, my position is like the bird in the story”.
He continued, “Though my action will make a meagre change, at least, it would make a child to have a calm sleep, through the resources saved. Further, my action would reveal to ignorant hearts with a possibility to save society”.
Water, energy, food, money resources are abundant in our life, but certain unfortunate souls doesn’t have such resources for their daily sustenance. When we look closely, the food, money and energy we save, will be useful to poor people through government or charity.
So, we can conclude that, for personal achievement, we need to control over thought and time, for national development, we need proper utilisation of money, food, water, air.
QUOTES: You must be the change, you wish to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi
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