As the saint predicted, a man from Goldapur came near the saint and asked, “My Lord, through my friends and relatives acquaintances, I came to know that Petropur is the most prosperous village, so I am shifting myself to that opulent village, provide your blessing!”
Similarly, another man from Petropur came and said he is going to migrate to Goldapur lying opposite to his native village for better living. Now, the man who had lead towards the saint for identifying prosperous village got astonished and asked, “My Lord, my confusion has stepped up. Kindly edify me!”
The saint replied, “Our neighbour house may appear more spacious than ours, although both may be of equal dimension. Our ignorant vision misleads us. Every needed resource are abundant and equally spread across every village, identify and harness the nature’s riches, you will be prosperous!” The new man realised dormant opportunity and retrieved to his native village.
So, we are rich with all needed resource. Our deprived vision observes other’s resources as superior and makes our competence inferior. Similarly, our country has needed resource accumulated below us, to attain super-power status. We have the job of identifying it and directing it in proper direction. Poor so called deprived attitude is only a state of mind, similar is the case of affluence.
QUOTE: “Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing, it's when you've had everything to do and you've done it.” - Margaret Thatcher