After offering their oblations, the man and his friend waited till the seer exits from his deep meditation. After an hour, the saint opened his eyes and with gloom in his face, he queried,
“What’s your reason for your arrival to this place?”
The man replied with enthusiasm, “We came here to find inextinguishable happiness and joy in our life, My Lord!” The saint smiled and asked, “Did you live with father, mother, teachers, children, friends, relatives, and neighbours?”
Both man and his friend nodded their heads as an expression of their presence. Then the saint replied, “I think you have lost vision to identify prevailing happiness!”
These are some of the discoveries which are easy to experience.
“There is no perfect sleep as one which we experience in our mother’s lap, no perfect guidance as those of our father’s direction, no perfect knowledge as those ignited by our teachers, no perfect companions as those of friends, no perfect saviours like those of our neighbours, and success as those obtained by sharing with our relatives.”
Happiness has been established endlessly below our feet, it is our responsibility to identify them and harness it towards right directions. Money or riches won’t establish joy which our mind needs. "A grass on the other bank may appear greener than those on our side, but in reality ours may be greener." It is tendency of our mind to identify something beyond us as superior and move towards it, rather than identifying original opportunity available within us. So, happiness is intrinsic and we have it abundantly in terms of our relationships or society.
QUOTE: "It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not." - Unknown
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