Relationships in human life are dominated by our ego. People tend to associate with people who appear similar in personality or lower in character compared to them in order to express their ego. Perform a small exercise, “Increase the length of a line, without affecting its dimension” This is achievable only by drawing a shorter line nearer. Similar concept exists in human thinking. By making ubiquitous God superior and enriching equality in human life, spiritual teachers devised a way to dispel ego.
Once we conquer position, position tends to kindle our self-ego. But, we should prevent even simple expression of it. Leader in life are leaders of their ego.
A watchman of a company was apprised by his friend that the company in which he works pays lower income compared to others. As a result of misunderstanding, the watchman wasn’t able to perform his prescribed duties satisfactory. Observing his ill-performance his superior warned, “Even after number of leaves, your performance didn’t improve! If it continues, you will be chucked off!”
Later, a man came down from his car after expressing a friendly smile and spoke as follows, “Friend, What eats you, you aren’t as before? Could I express my helping hand to you?” Then the watchman explained his difficulty to new benevolent friend.
“Simple! Your problem will be solved soon” spoke the kind hearted man. Later, the watchman was called by his superior and was informed that his salary has been increased by 50 percent. The watchman enquired about the stranger who met him in the morning by pointing towards the car, he got down. To his surprise, he was informed that he was the chief of the company.
If such friendly relationships haven’t formed by leaders, they couldn’t be leaders. Ego uncontrolled makes us zero.
QUOTE: “You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.” - Abraham Lincoln
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