After some years later, the affluent businessman was apprised by his renowned friend about the presence of a magical wand which was capable of acquiring all the riches needed to conquer the world. He started to think about the advantages in possessing a magical treasure, he hasn’t seen. The desire to acquire the magical wand became obsessional in his mind and he began to dream about the ecstasy in possessing an asset through which he could rule the world. So, he left his family and he started to travel across the world with all the riches he had earned in search of magical wand. But, even after several years of nomadic life, he couldn’t find any information. He lost all the riches he had possessed and returned to his native land as a pauper after several years of fruitless travel. His health condition had deprived severely and in his seclusion he got reminded about the piece of paper provided by his father.
“Everything lies below you” was inscribed in the paper. Then, he got reminded about their hereditary property which was stored safely below his house. But, he lost his life even without observing the wand or informing about this to his son.
His excessive desire on future closed the thought of present availability lying below him. Similarly, we move our thoughts towards future expectations without proper utilisation of present. Past are lost riches, future are possible riches, but present is the available riches. Rich are those who attain peace by proper utilisation of present. Poor are those who ponder over past and future with imaginary living.
QUOTE: “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.” - Wayne Dyer
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