Suddenly labouring himself became tedious for this sluggish man, with two years of period standing before him, he gave vent to habit of procrastination. He consoled himself saying, “Tomorrow we might perform!”
Ultimately, tomorrow and tomorrow habit added up to end two years. During the final day, the son went to his father to seek for extension of wager period. But, the father didn’t rise up from his bed; he lay dead. When the father was moving towards heaven, he thought himself, “How lazy my son is! If he had earned Rs. 500, I could have passed on my riches to him stored as a treasure!”
If the son hasn’t performed procrastination, he might have gained a treasure which might have made him rich to lead a free life. But, if this lazy man had acquired his father’s riches without hard work, he would have become lazier than he was before, wasting the power of money.
Later, the treasure which the intelligent father had hoarded was found by a hardworking, poor farmer. He utilised productively for generation of employment for his villagers but initiating an industry in his village.
Procrastination as a habit bedaubs our vision to the opportunity available before us. The best time and place to perform any task is present time and present place. Procrastination drinks more energy than performing the tasks. If nature had procrastinated, just observe what might happen to the perfect natural equilibrium, which helps lives to exist on this earth.
Procrastinate the habit of procrastination.
QUOTE: "There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life." - Federico Fellini
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tomorrow never works's 100% true friends.
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