After he achieved success, he found some forces got attracted towards him, which had repelled before. He examined what they are. Then the first force expressed, “I am your friend, Riches!” Another force replied, “I am your friend, Joy!” Another force said, “I am your beloved, Status!” Another said, “I am Fame!” “I am luck!” The farmer felt he had acquired everything in his life.
Next year, he worked hard like previous year, to maintain his achievement. But, due to incessant rainfall, his farmland got flooded and his crops failed. Because of failure, the forces which influenced earlier left. But, one force was there influencing him. He asked his new friend’s name. The new guide expressed, “I am your friend, Faith!”
Faith which had aligned with farmer during failure helped him to achieve success.
Faith helps us to sustain in this world. If faith’s presence was not available in human mind, our civilisation would have got diminished during its inception itself.
It is marvellous phenomenon in life to observe every human confident to be living tomorrow, when his fellow men face unfortunate deaths today.
The superior form of faith is “Trust in God.” This faith could act as a vitalizing force for existence since humans have less control over external influences.
Faith is a trait, which every human is capable of developing. Human mind is capable of performing unforeseen feats, if we think of it recurrently. For instance, if we think we are capable of performing public speaking without stage fear and think about it continuously day and night, we definitely achieve positive result than what we had believed. In above case, we had faith in our competence, which had destroyed our self-imposed incapability.
QUOTE: “The man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away.” - Charles Schwab
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