One day, Mr. Kumar and his friend were walking through a park. As he entered the park, he could find a money purse lying uncared. Mr. Kumar overjoyed with an unexpected luck and eagerly computed it, whether he had sufficient money equivalent to his need. Unfortunately, the money was less compared to what he had expected and said disgustedly, “This money doesn’t add any value to me!” His intelligent friend smiled and replied, “But, honestly returning the purse to the owner will add a value to you!”
A person asked his master, “Lord, what distinguishes a person over others?” The master replied, “Pure water always has its own value over polluted water, similarly pure character differentiates human over others.”
Only shortcut to attain intrinsic peace is honest living. Expression of dishonesty will mean lack of self-control. Material riches in tangible form will become inexpensive in presence of intangible humanistic character. Honesty has its own values. Person who express honesty enjoy an inner selfless pride unattainable through other means. Material knowledge once considered superior becomes inferior in place of honesty biased with character. Rich are those who feel rich in mind. Riches in mind are acquired through attitude and character.
QUOTE: “The nearest way to glory is to strive to be what you wish to be thought to be.” - Socrates
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Nice post .. Inspiring
Am adding your blog to my blog rolls.
Hope you won't mind.
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