Mind has to be cultivated first and then thoughts are to be sown. “Environment, education and experience will teach us in maintaining fertility of our mind”, says Shiv Khera.
Every men has right cultivable mind but they don’t have knowledge to maintain fertility. Even with positive “mind farm”, due to the action of negative environment, there will be development of useless “thought weeds”. Alienating ourselves and thinking inner into our mind through mediation will aid in shifting toward right path even with wrong belief. So, maintaining fertile mind is interminable continuous training process. It is difficult to follow but endless is useful advantages that accrue to us.
Books are valued based on contents they own. Similarly, people are valued depending on beliefs they imbibe.
QUOTE: “All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.” - Brian Tracy