Bearing his heavy, troubled, and perplexed mind, my hero was moving slowly in a street. Suddenly, his eye caught a park, where he could find a group of children playing cricket. After a long time, he was entering a park. At first, he couldn’t evade his thoughts of failure from disturbing him. But, the hyper-active children playing cricket caught his attention. He felt a change, on looking at the enjoyment of tender souls through games.
Suddenly, he felt an impression of small hand on his shoulder. “Uncle could you accept a role of an umpire in our match!” asked a small boy. Though, he hesitated, the kind request of the boy attracted him to accept the invitation.
Next two hours, my hero literally became a child with the group of children. Because, he was placed as an umpire, he was used to dispel disputes arising in the game. He learnt how to attain happiness in simple things, from the children. After the match was over, my hero was returning to his home. Strikingly, he felt he had left something in the park. After a minute of thinking, he understood that had left his rich store-house of failures. Those misunderstanding will not follow him, since he understood real meaning of life from children.
When he understood happiness through simple life experience, his attitude changed and he became a sweet conqueror in his and other lives.
Polluted mind can be purified by transmutation of thoughts in right direction. Here my hero’s right direction was diverted towards child’s attitude.
QUOTE: "A professional is a person who can do his best at a time when he doesn't
particularly feel like it." - Alistair Cooke
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