When an atheist is asked to read above letters, he may read it as “GOD IS NO WHERE.” However, a religious follower may read it as “GOD IS NOW HERE.”
Everything depends on the way, we view our life. Life on earth may be a heaven or hell depending on the direction of our vision.
A leading electronic company was making phenomenal development in every sphere. There were large number employees devoting themselves for improvement of the company and received higher income compared to its competitors. Due to recession in country’s economy, the company’s uprising profit margin recessed and it started to show negative growth rate. Observing loss of opportunity and fall in income, large number of employees relinquished their job and moved towards a better opportunity. But, a group of employees observed recession as an opportunity and started to work with greater intense than before. They utilised new ideas which was earlier refused by stubborn employers. The falling company now started to rise from its recession slope. The visionary group promoted new products and introduced new ventures. After continuous hardwork, the company attained a higher position which it once envisioned. The group of opportunity seekers now attained formidable position in the company eventhough, they didn’t have appropriate educational qualification.
Success accrues to one who observes failure with right attitude. With persistence as one limb to success, attitude is the other. Stronger our vision towards our destination, stronger is our possibilities towards our destination.
QUOTE: “Our greatest glory is not ever failing but in rising up every time we fail” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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